
If you’re aged 11-18 we would love to welcome you to CLC Youth!

At CLC Youth our aim is to connect with each other, become family and ultimately, connect with God through worship, applicable teaching and prayer ministry.

Whether you are hopeful, sceptical, or just curious about the Christian faith, we want to create an environment where all Youth feel comfortable and excited to encounter the person of Jesus Christ.

 Reaching the lost by increasing the volume of Jesus' voice in the lives of young people across south Birmingham.

Let’s connect…

… Parents!

New to CLC? We would love to connect with you: click here.

Already connected through MyChurchSuite? Log on to edit your youth’s details on MyChildren: click here.

In order for your son / daughter to attend events hosted by CLC Youth, it is important that we receive a completed permission form.

… Youth!

Great ways to keep up-to-date with everything CLC youth is by our social media:

Youth Events!

We have exciting youth events coming up for you!

Friday Night Youth

During term time there is a Friday Night Youth. A chance to come together with those in years 7 to 13. There will be worship, teaching, games and make sure to bring some money for the tuck shop. This happens every Friday, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in the Life House Centre. To see the event dates please visit our calendar: click here.

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