Pause and Listen: What is God saying to the church? Have you got a word, dream, prophecy...? Please email to submit what you believe God has said.
Here is what other church partners believed God told them in the 5 Days to Pause and Pray.
Our Prayer Sessions
We would love for you to engage with one or more of our prayer sessions. Please feel free to jump in for few minutes or stay the whole session when you are available. Find out about our word and spirit events: click here.
Would you like Prayer?
During this time, if you would like for us to pray for you, a friend or a specific need, we'd love to! To help us do this, please complete the simple prayer request form below. These prayer requests will be forwarded directly to our prayer team who will automatically add them to the prayer list. Please say if you don't want your prayer request added to the prayer list.
Has God answered a prayer or done something during this time? If so we want to celebrate with you. We are collecting what God has been doing and how prayers have been answered. Please complete the simple praise report form below.
To ensure we pray for every request we have added them to the list below. Please download and use this as our prayer guide: